Enhance UX Studies With Eye Tracking
Take a data-driven approach to improving user experience and back up every design decision with data and metrics utilizing visual tracking. Eye tracking should be an essential add-on to any user experience (UX) study, and with the Gazepoint UX Bundle, it’s easier and more affordable than ever to gather detailed, objective data from your tests.
Make the Most of Usability Studies
Why UX Testing Matters
There is a lot to learn from usability studies and user experience tests. You want your product to meet the wants and needs of your audience, and UX testing is the best way to analyze problems or misconceptions your users may stumble upon.
Whether you are applying usability studies to a consumer product, website, web application, or computer interface, you have defined goals of what you want to accomplish, and UX testing is an exceptional gauge of how close you are to achieving those goals. You want to generate more sales from your ecommerce website? Usability studies can give you data on how simple it is for customers to navigate your site, find the information they need, and checkout so you can make informed decisions on what improvements to make.
What to Include in Your UX Studies
There are many ways to test the usability of your product, from surveys to recorded sessions to moderated user testing. All of these methods have something to offer, but each has its own weaknesses. Surveys, for example, rely on the participants to offer detailed and unbiased reports of their experience. Recorded sessions let you see the movement of the customer’s mouse but don’t offer any insight into their thought process. Moderated user testing does give you the opportunity to rely on third-party observations, but few participants are likely to feel comfortable using your product naturally while being watched.
Eye tracking solves each of the problems found with these methods. It provides you with objective data you can use in conjunction with the subjective responses from participants. You can track how a user’s gaze moves across a page to infer their feelings and their thought process. In addition, thanks to Gazepoint’s easy-to-use monitor or laptop mounts, you can gather all this data without an observer in the room or any distracting equipment mounted to the participant’s head.
How Gazepoint Eye Tracking Can Help
Eye tracking offers unparalleled insight into human-computer interactions. The eye-mind hypothesis draws a strong connection between someone’s eye movements and information processing, and with the Gazepoint Eye Tracking UX Bundle, you can gather a number of data points to help you better understand your user’s experience. Here are a few things you can learn from our software:
Fixations refer to points where a user’s eyes stay in one place. While our eyes are often moving rapidly over a page to gather big picture data, information intake largely takes place during fixations when our eyes are at relative rest. Fixations and their duration can indicate interest as well as confusion, and these data points can offer you important insight when combined with other metrics.
Gaze Path
Gaze fixation paths are the paths our eyes take when reading and processing information on webpages, print copy, images, and more. Tracking a participant’s gaze path can help you understand what design elements draw their eyes and if they are following the path you and your designers intend for new customers.
Dynamic Areas of Interest
An “area of interest” defines a specific region on the webpage or other designated stimulus where you can gather specific data. A carousel of featured products, for example, could be defined as an area of interest if you want to know more about how users are interacting with that feature.
Heat Maps
Not only can you gather information on each of these metrics, but with Gazepoint UX software, you can analyze it all at once with a heat map. Heat maps help you visualize a user’s fixations over time, plotting data points over a representation of the webpage you used with a color gradient assigned to different gaze points and fixations. Warmer colors typically indicate a user spent more time looking at that particular design element.
Not only can heat maps be a helpful, easy-to-use tool to understand an individual user’s session, but you can also use it to compare and contrast multiple users’ data. To learn more about all that Gazepoint’s UX software has to offer, explore our UX bundle.
Add Value to UX Testing
Eye tracking offers an exceptional amount of data with great detail that can make usability studies that much more effective and worthwhile to your organization. Knowing the direction and duration of a user’s fixations can reveal a lot about their intentions, their perception of your product, and their ability to process the visual information you provide as they perform certain actions.
Eye tracking can also be used effectively for other research methods, such as user observation, debriefings, think aloud experiences, and retrospective think aloud experiences. With Gazepoint Analysis UX software, it’s easier than ever to apply eye tracking and the data you gather to whatever method is most effective for your organization.
Invest in Eye Tracking With Gazepoint
To integrate visual tracking into your next usability study, order Gazepoint’s UX bundle. We offer everything you need, from affordable research-grade eye-tracking hardware to all-in-one UX software perfect for usability testing. Place your order today, and explore our site to learn more about how eye tracking can benefit your organization.