Gazepoint Analysis 2.7.0 Released

Gazepoint Analysis 2.7.0 Released

The latest release of Gazepoint Analysis v2.7.0 is now available for download. We have added a set of great new features including: Large Project Media Sets Customers were creating very large projects and running into memory issues. We completely revamped how we handle memory allocation and can now support very large (hundreds) of media items.… read more

Gazepoint Control and Analysis 2.5.0 released!

We are very happy to announce the release of Gazepoint Control and Analysis V2.5.0. This latest release adds a number of great new features and updates and includes all the features of V2.4.0 which was only released internally. Gazepoint Control has been updated to include user controlled calibration points through the OpenGaze API. This allows full… read more

Focalpoint Platform Game using Gazepoint GP3

At Gazepoint we are always keen to feature innovative uses of eye-tracking systems, especially applications using the GP3! Over the past 8 months a student team in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia has been hard at work developing an innovative new video game which uses the player’s eye-gaze information as… read more

Introducing free heat maps from Gazepoint

For a limited time, get a free heat map of your (or your client’s) site from Gazepoint. Just fill out our request form and we’ll analyze your site and create a heat map recording and email it back to you. It’s as simple as that!… read more

Gazepoint works with Microsoft Surface Pro 2

We just received our Microsoft Surface Pro 2 test unit and are pleased to report that it works well with Gazepoint Analysis and Gazepoint Communication. With it’s sleek and compact form factor, long battery life and powerful processor, it’s the perfect hardware for AAC applications when paired with Gazepoint Communication. Stay tuned for more info on… read more

Version 2.2.0 of Gazepoint Analysis has been released!

Version 2.2.0 of Gazepoint Analysis has been released! Download and try it today! – webcam recording – hotkeys CTRL+ALT+R = start data record CTRL+ALT+S = stop data record ALT+left arrow = go to recording start ALT+right arrow = go to recording end ALT+z = toggle zoom ALT+p = play recording or pause recording ALT+up arrow… read more

Do you ship to …….? Yes!

We get this question a lot. The answer is YES we ship just about anywhere in the world. If we don’t have your country on the online shipping calculator, just get in touch and we’ll provide you with a shipping quote. We’ve shipped our eye tracker to almost every country in the world, and we’re… read more

As the first high-performance eye tracking software available at a consumer-grade price, GP3 provides an amplified level of accurate data for medical use.
Gazepoint’s innovations in eye-tracking allow developers to enhance behavioral research applications and usability studies applications.
Eliminating the guesswork behind the interactions between consumer and computer, our Analysis UX Edition allows users to track human behavior through measures such as eye movement tracking, click and scrolling behavior and more.