Gazepoint V3.1.0 released
The latest update to the Gazepoint software is out. This version fixes a few minor bug and implements cursor click tracking in screen capture mode. To date we’ve been able to track clicks within Gazepoint Analysis (images, video, web pages) but were unable to track left click/right click in other programs (such as screen capture).… read more
Gazepoint Analysis V3.0.0 Blink Tracking
Blink tracking has been added to the latest release of the Gazepoint software (V3.0.0), both to Control via the Open Gaze API (all versions) and to Analysis visualizations (UX). In Control you can access the blink tracking metrics by enabling the ENABLE_SEND_BLINK setting which adds a blink counter BKID, blink duration for the last blink BKDUR… read more
Gazepoint Remote Viewer V3.0.0
The Gazepoint Remote Viewer provides the ability to transmit the images shown in the Gazepoint Analysis software, over a network, to a remote computer for unobtrusive observation of the experiment underway. The core features of Remote include: Transmission of Analysis images to remote computers over a TCP/IP network High quality images and low bandwidth requirements… read more
Gazepoint update – V3.0.0 posted for download
I recently looked back at our blog and the last post was in February! It’s been quiet on the website but we have not been idle, we have a whole set of new features and products we’ll be rolling out over the fall. We’ve just posted V3.0 of the Gazepoint Software suite, I’ll take you… read more
Gazepoint in the News
Gazepoint has been covered in the news a fair amount recently. After coverage in the local Vancouver Sun newspaper, Dr. Hennessey has given interviews on CKNW radio (SoundCloud link below) as well as CTV on eye-tracking applications and even given a sneak peak at our head mounted prototype system. We have also added another 3… read more
Eye tracking in the classroom with Gazepoint
Gazepoint’s affordable and easy-to-use GP3 means you can outfit an entire classroom with eye-trackers! Leading eye tracking expert Dr. Andrew Duchowski of Clemson University, set-up a classroom with a GP3 eye tracker and Gazepoint Analysis software on each desk for the Fall 2014 school term. Dr. Duchowski teaches eye tracking from the low level systems to… read more
Website refresh and Shop update!
A New Year is upon us and we’re happy to unveil a faster, improved website! We heard from many of our valuable customers that they were experiencing trouble with our online shopping cart, so we went to work and we now have a much faster site and a new cart which should work much better.… read more
Gazepoint Citations in Academic Journals
We are frequently asked if we can point to academic papers that illustrate the use of the GP3 eye-tracker and Gazepoint Analysis. Academic papers take a considerable time to go from experimentation to publication, but we are very happy to have the first set of published works using our system available for reference (listed below).… read more
Gazepoint V2.10.0 released!
Once again another software update! And this time with more features! And yes more bug fixes too! The browser bar of the integrated browser has been minimized, the age/gender sort selection improved, and by popular demand we have added the ability to mask off low viewed data when visualizing large datasets to the data visualization… read more
Gazepoint Version 2.9.0 Released
The Gazepoint software suite V2.9.0 has just been released! This release includes a number of library upgrades and a focus on improved stability and bug fixes. I can’t say it was the most fun release to work on but it certainly is our most reliable and robust build to date! As always, let us know… read more