Gazepoint Software Suite V4.3.0 Now Available
The latest release of the Gazepoint software suite is now available to download. A few notable updates in the release:
Gazepoint Control
The calibration system has been updated to easily allow for custom calibration graphics which was due to requests for holding the attention of very young participants and possibly primate research. Through the API you were always able to create your own calibration, however to do so required some programming. With the new system you can simply copy image and audio files into the Windows Documents\Gazepoint folder (for example: C:\Users\ch\Documents\Gazepoint) and Control will automatically use those during the calibration routine. Files must be named CalibPointX.png and CalibPointX.mp3 where X is the calibration number 1,2,3,4,5, etc, and we suggest the images have a background color of RGB=25,25,25 to blend with the background. The images will move, rotate, and scale while the music plays to try to hold the participants attention. You can use the + and – keys to increase and decrease the calibration speed.
In addition, there was a bug in the USER_DATA API update in which a space character was missing which led to issues with some XML parsers. This error has been fixed in this release.
Gazepoint Analysis
The Analysis update in this version has primarily focused on the AOI system to make it easier to use as well as more functional for tracking moving content. You can now copy/paste all AOI for Text/Image/Video media by right clicking the media item in Analyze mode. AOI keyframes can now be edited to set the exact time and X, Y, Width, Height sizes. Finally, AOI keyframes now allow for gaps in the time sequences to track objects that disappear and reappear later in dynamic content. Keyframes may now be tagged as start, middle or end keyframes.
Gazepoint Remote
Remote has been removed from the primary installer and is now available for those who purchased Remote as a separate installation. Remote is now cross platform compatible including Windows, Mac and Linux.