List of Restrictions on Developer Applications: None!
We’ve had a few questions recently about the restrictions we have on applications developed as part of our developer program. The short answer is, there are none! That’s the long answer as well. We think these questions are coming to us as a number of other eye tracking developer programs may have restrictions on the things you develop (non-commercial use, academic only, etc). With a Gazepoint GP3, there is no fine print or catches, and you don’t even PAY for the SDK, it’s included free with the eye tracker. We even include a powerful usability software tool to get you started on your next UX experiments, completely free of charge (though if you like the free standard edition of Analysis, we think you’ll really like the Pro version!).
We believe the best way to get more people using eye trackers is to get more eye tracking applications developed. We’re developing as many applications as we can, but there’s only so fast we can go, which is why we’re keen on developers creating their own apps. Our low cost hardware provides a great way to get started developing the next killer application using the last untapped human machine interaction. We’d love to hear about your next great invention and we’ll even feature it on our site, but there’s no requirements to sell it through us. Feel free to market and promote the heck out of your killer new developments! You worked hard on it, you should be rewarded for it!
We here at Gazepoint can’t wait to see what you come up with next!