Gazepoint Sponsors ETRA 2019
Gazepoint is proud to be a sponsor for ETRA 2019, a symposium on eye tracking research and applications that will be held in Denver, Colorado June 25 – 28. Our goal is and has always been furthering visual tracking research and technology through reasonably priced hardware and software, and sponsoring ETRA is one more way we can move our goal forward.
What Is ETRA?
ETRA is an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) symposium that draws participants from around the world. It has been previously held all across the U.S., from Texas to California to Florida, and the 2018 conference was hosted in Warsaw, Poland.
Data Presentations and Awards
The conference welcomes students, researchers, and manufacturers to network, listen to presentations, and participate in co-located workshops centered around eye tracking research and applications. Not only do participants have the opportunity to present never-before published work, but they can also demonstrate new gaze interaction or eye tracking methods through demonstrations and video sessions. Awards are offered for the best presentations in categories such as long papers, short papers, video/tool demonstrations, and more.
Doctoral Symposium
Alongside these workshops and presentations will be a doctoral symposium. This symposium offers students and researchers a chance to meet, discuss their work, exchange ideas, and receive feedback.
Challenge Track
The 2019 ETRA conference is also hosting a Challenge Track for the first time. The Challenge Track is a mining challenge. Participants will have access to a common data set of human eye-movement data and encouraged to apply their best and newest mining analytical tools to make the most of the data.
The goal of ETRA is to bring together qualified, like-minded people: computer scientists, engineers, and behavioral scientists working toward the common goal of advancing visual tracking research and applications. The conference is an opportunity to explore – and/or present – research across fields that delves into the capabilities of gaze-tracking systems, gaze-based interactions, gaze-aware applications, and eye movement data analysis.
Research and Application Topics
There is a lot to learn at this year’s ETRA conference, from a keynote on the differences between gazing and perceiving to workshops held by partners like Facebook Reality Labs. Presentations include research on the application of visual tracking to drowsiness and fatigue, situational awareness, and autism and other developmental conditions. Other topics include:
- Deep learning
- Privacy
- Gaze detection and prediction
- Past, present, and future eye tracking applications
Find Us at This Year’s Conference
Are you interested in attending this year’s visual tracking symposium? Find all the information you need on ETRA’s site. Ticket prices vary for students and ACM members. Aside from tutorial-only tickets, your registration includes entry to the conference and co-located events, coffee breaks, lunches, and entry to the conference banquet on June 27.
Explore the Possibilities of Visual Tracking Today
Whether you’re interested in doing your own research or engineering the next generation of eye tracking applications, start with eye-tracking hardware and software from Gazepoint. We offer research-grade equipment at consumer price points so anyone can help us move the visual tracking industry forward. Explore what we have to offer today!