Gazepoint Control and Analysis 2.5.0 released!
We are very happy to announce the release of Gazepoint Control and Analysis V2.5.0. This latest release adds a number of great new features and updates and includes all the features of V2.4.0 which was only released internally.
Gazepoint Control has been updated to include user controlled calibration points through the OpenGaze API. This allows full control of the calibration points used, a minimum of 4 calibration points a required.
Gazepoint Analysis has many new features that make it easier and more powerful than ever:
- It is now possible to manually set the current time point in analysis mode (ALT-T to quickly jump to the time control).
- Heatmap visualizations have been updated to include an ‘Absolute Scale’ mode. This provides the ability to generate quantitative heatmaps in which the heatmap color correlates to a specific maximum time duration rather than a relative scale.
- Video Export is now 3-10x faster than previously.
- Visualization export (image / video) have more consistent resolutions (match source media resolutions).
For Gazepoint Analysis Professional users we have added a number of new features:
- For web content it is now possible to turn OFF the dynamic web capture. Dynamic web capture is used to overlay a screen capture video of the website onto the static full webpage image. When aggregating multiple subjects this single user dynamic content is no longer of interest.
- There are two new powerful visualizations, Opacity Maps which obscures the media contents NOT seen by the user and Bee Swarm which shows only the current point-of-gaze for each users great for large multi-subject visualizations.
- Audio from video media items can now be copied from source media to the exported video.
We are already hard at work on the next set of features so stay tuned for the next release and please feel free to let us know if there are any features in particular you would like to see added.