Eye tracking in the classroom with Gazepoint
Gazepoint’s affordable and easy-to-use GP3 means you can outfit an entire classroom with eye-trackers! Leading eye tracking expert Dr. Andrew Duchowski of Clemson University, set-up a classroom with a GP3 eye tracker and Gazepoint Analysis software on each desk for the Fall 2014 school term. Dr. Duchowski teaches eye tracking from the low level systems to end-use applications, and found that sharing a limited number of devices between students really limited their exposure and first -understanding of how eye trackers works and are best used. With the help of Gazepoint, problem solved!
With an entire laboratory facility instrumented with eye trackers and eye tracking software tools, it became much faster and easier to teach core concepts and have the students gain practical hands-on experience with running eye tracking studies.
A total of 20 workstations were instrumented with GP3 desktop eye trackers attached to 22″ displays with the VESA mount adaptor. The VESA mounts ensure the GP3 is solidly affixed to the workstation, while also properly positioning the eye tracker with respect to the viewer. Each workstation ran a full version of the Gazepoint Analysis UX software.
“Teaching the class with 20 eye trackers, with one per student, was liberating. Contention issues were all but eliminated. A portable eye tracker on a tripod in front of the lectern with the instructor’s display projected on the screen allowed a hands-on demo where each student ran their own calibration and their own first mock study with an image as stimulus. Prior to the instrumented classroom, students would often procrastinate with this kind of experimentation, jeopardizing their potential for success later in the semester. The in-class hands-on demo allowed each student to quickly grasp how to calibrate the device, record data, and then immediately see how scanpaths and heatmaps correspond to what they had just looked at. This provided the necessary grounding on which to build more advanced topics related to eye tracking.” – Dr. Andrew Duchowski
Contact us if you’d like to know more about how to get eye tracking into your classroom!